
3 min readDec 10, 2021

Decentralize encryption, anonymity and secure payment data messaging, link people all over the world, and establish a new era of secure communication

What is StarLinkChat

StarLinkChat is connecting people around the world personally, fnancially,privately and securely.

Transfer-Receive Crypto

While Chatting With StarLinkChat, you can fnally send text messages and share cryptocurrency at the same time. Peer to Peer payment between users has never been easier.

DeFils Available On

StarLinkChat With StarLinkChat, you can borrow instant loan by pledging your cryptocurrency assets as collateral. StarLinkChat is making decentralized mobile banking available for everyone globally.

StarLinkChat Offers The Coolest NFTs And Stickers

Shopping Experience was

Easily discover, create, store and trade all your unique crypto NFTs(non- fungible tokens),stickers and game assets in one place. StarLinkChatt shop is secure,reliable,and convenient.

Starlinkchat Augmented Reality

and the implementation of simulation processing, make all the social face to face

Blockchain games

The world’s largest blockchain game development and distribution platform and uses SLC

Best All In One Universal Cryptocurrency Wallet

With Starlinkchat, you can buy, send. receive and store all your coins and tokens easily, quickly and securely. Starlinkchat supports over 50+blockchains and 200+ cryptocurrencies like BTC,ETH, BNB, DOGE, etc.

Exchange Your Crypto Assets Instantly Make instant swap of over 200 tokens and coins within Starlinkchat. You can easily and securely buy, sell, or exchange between tokens or coins at the best rates.

Decentralized Enabled technology


Starlinkchat platform is decentralized through blockchain technology. Attacks on your sensitive data are impossible.

2、built on multi-chains

The starlinkchat is built on multi-chains technology smart contracts enable users to manage all their variety of digital assets securely in one place.

3、 superior end to end encryption

Our security protocol developed on genuine end-to-end encryption and blockchain based authentication.

4、artificial lntelligence

Starlinkchat’s AI allows you to use your voice to take action. Search for exchange partners, surf your contact and manage your wallet without touching the device.

token :StarLinkChat


total:1 billion. chain:bsc

Fund raising:40%

Chain game reward:10%

marketing management:10%


Team and consultant:10%

Future technology development:5%

Community incentive and airdrop:5%

We will launch the white list program and For more info about StarlinkChat:

🌍StarlinkChat Telegram Group :

🌏 StarlinkChat Telegram Announcement Channel:

🌎 StarlinkChat Twitter:


🌍 Official website : https://




Connecting people around the world personally, financially, privately and securely.