Starlinkchat Protects Your Private Data

2 min readAug 11, 2021

What is encryption, and how does it protect your data?

Encryption helps protect the data you send, receive, and store using a device. These include text messages stored on your smartphone, running logs saved on your fitness watch, and banking information sent through your online accounts.

Encryption is the process that scrambles readable text so it can only be read by the person who has the secret code or decryption key. It helps provide data security for sensitive information.

Vast amounts of personal information are managed online and stored in the cloud or on servers with a constant connection to the web. It’s nearly impossible to do business of any kind without your personal data ending up in an organization’s networked computer system, which is why it’s important to know how to keep that data private.

How does encryption work?

Encryption is the process of taking plain text, like a text message or email, and scrambling it into an unreadable format, called “cipher text.” This helps protect the confidentiality of the digital data either stored on computer systems or transmitted through a network like the internet. When the intended recipient accesses the message, the information is translated back to its original form. This is called decryption.

To unlock the message, both the sender and the recipient have to use a “secret” encryption key – a collection of algorithms that scramble and unscramble data back to a readable format.

This also explains how StarlinkChat works. Our mobile instant messaging platform integrates an end-to-end encryption protocol for your text messages, photos, audio, and video communications. With StarlinkChat, no one (including us!), except you and the persons you call, can eavesdrop and listen in on your conversations. They remain completely safe and private between you and the receiver.

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